Tag Archives: art

Pizza to go

Der Chef des Einpersonenbetriebes kommt aus Pakistan, ist ein netter Kerl und alles, was er zubereitet, zeichnet sich aus durch einen sehr feinen Geschmack. einfach mit Liebe gebacken und gekocht. Immer gibt es auch ein Tagesgericht – diesmal veganen Gemüseeintopf – und ich bestelle 2 Portionen zum mitnehmen. ich frage nach den Gewürzen; Iingwer, Knoblauch, Kurkuma, Koriander und etwas Kreuzkümmel. 



Every time I went to the zoo with my father, we had to visit the crocodiles. Looking down from a small bridge, I could take a look to the back of the reptiles, frightening and fascinated at the same time. They nearly did not move and their mouth were wide open. Although getting goose bumps, I felt very close to my friends. 

When these four crocodiles appeared in my drawing, I remembered the zoo, my father and the feelings accompanying my crocodile-adventures. They got a very friendly expression now.  


Sometimes a drawing demands just a few lines. Stopping the drawing process in the right moment is a big challenge. I like my mosquito, every line makes sense and seems to be at the right place.

I like the idea just using a pencil and a sheet of paper. A simple setting like that opens a lot of space for spontaneous interactions with my creativity. I don´t have to take care of complicated materials and preparations. Just sitting down and let it flow, everywhere, at any moment when i feel inspired.

Video Production: Breath Of Crisis

Wonderful collaboration with artists from Urhof20, an art center in Grünbach/Schneeberg. Improvisation is our main interest, usually performing live. In this case I got the video and created the music watching Bea´s performance on the screen, improvising and recording the track with no overdubs, similar to a live situation.    

BREATH OF CRISIS, ft. Martin Kratochwil
days of shut down:21

concept und performance: Bea von Schrader

film / editing: Daphne von Schrader
Avantgarde Mode: eigensinnig Wien

mask: Die.P

music: Martin Kratochwil, electronics

Kunsthaus Grünbach am Schneeberg