Tag Archives: drawing

Pizza to go

Der Chef des Einpersonenbetriebes kommt aus Pakistan, ist ein netter Kerl und alles, was er zubereitet, zeichnet sich aus durch einen sehr feinen Geschmack. einfach mit Liebe gebacken und gekocht. Immer gibt es auch ein Tagesgericht – diesmal veganen Gemüseeintopf – und ich bestelle 2 Portionen zum mitnehmen. ich frage nach den Gewürzen; Iingwer, Knoblauch, Kurkuma, Koriander und etwas Kreuzkümmel. 


sometimes I wonder…

sometimes I wonder, where all my creatures, flooding my drawings, come from. It´s really fun sitting down just following my intuition. With an empty mind phantasy starts to fly like a bird. The lines seem to be created by themselves in an easy and unpredictable way. The movements of my graphite pencil seem to be directed by something else, not by myself.


I am a fan of Japanese ink drawings and woodblock prints. Simplicity and reduction are important means of traditional Japanese depictions. Using just simple black ink and carefully curated white space, the timeless beauty and complexity of the natural world is captured. Its not figurative, it’s not abstract – it’s a mixture of both aspects, fixing one moment of  beeing, like at Yamada Hogyoku´s Bat and Moon from 1830. I never tried to copy this style, but there is a big influence on my attitude dealing with my own drawings.

This summer I suddenly discovered, that I can watch bats from my flat in the evening. I was very surprised and touched, and soon they appeared in my drawings too.


Every time I went to the zoo with my father, we had to visit the crocodiles. Looking down from a small bridge, I could take a look to the back of the reptiles, frightening and fascinated at the same time. They nearly did not move and their mouth were wide open. Although getting goose bumps, I felt very close to my friends. 

When these four crocodiles appeared in my drawing, I remembered the zoo, my father and the feelings accompanying my crocodile-adventures. They got a very friendly expression now.  

Chaos Animals 11 / For Koichi

“I like chaos” – this was the main sentence of Koichi, a japanese guy, I met in Marrakesch many years ago. We shared the same hostel and hit that crazy town together. We neary could not talk with each other because of lack of language knowledge, but we became friends for a few days. When i did this drawing, suddenly I remembered him, after such a long time, and I felt sad having lost contact to him. So I decided to dedicate this drawing to him.

11,7 X 8,3 IN (21 X 29,7 CM)